Florida readers may have friends or know of acquaintances who served in the United States Air Force. Such service is an honor, considering the rigorous academic and physical challenges required of enlisted personnel. Many expect the high standards expected of new recruits to be mirrored at every level of the agency. Yet a recent sex crime allegation has sullied that expectation.
According to a police press release, the 41-year-old U.S. Air Force officer who heads the agency’s sexual assault prevention program was recently arrested for that very type of sex crime. Just after midnight on a Saturday night, the officer allegedly approached a woman and groped her repeatedly.
Yet this scandal is not an isolated incident. In recent months, investigations of alleged sexual assault have been launched against more than 30 Air Force instructors at one of its regional training facilities. Nor is the incident unique to the Air Force. Across the various branches of the armed services, a Defense Department report estimates that around 19,000 members may have been sexually assaulted in 2011.
In this case, the accused was officially charged with sexual battery, and bond was set at $5,000. The Air Force also suspended his employment, pending the outcome of the investigation.
Although the media coverage of this incident has been inflammatory, there are additional questions to be answered. The victim’s relationship to the accused is unknown. If they knew each other, a sex crimes attorney might investigate whether the victim had any motivation to fabricate or exaggerate her statement to the police.
Source: huffingtonpost.com, “Jeffrey Krusinski, Air Force Officer In Charge Of Sexual Assault Prevention Program, Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault,” May 6 2013