Being in college is an exciting time for any student. Young people get more freedom, they are exploring what they want to do with their lives and they are learning about being independent and responsible. However, college can also mean a lack of supervision, anxiety about classes and financial concerns.
It is those last three factors that can make it tempting for students to take risks and break the law. For example, some Florida students turn to drugs, whether it be using, selling or trafficking them. Law enforcement agents know this and they often perform extensive investigations in an effort to identify anyone involved in illegal drug behavior.
Recently, for instance, multiple state and federal agencies worked together to target an alleged cocaine trafficking ring. They ultimately arrested six people, including three students currently attending Florida State University.
The students were arrested and charged with multiple felonies including conspiracy to sell drugs, selling cocaine, trafficking in cocaine and purchasing cocaine. Authorities stated that their investigation led them to high-profiled traffickers who were bringing the drugs into college communities.
Cocaine is a drug that is fairly common on college campuses across Florida. People use it at parties and also to try and keep up with demanding school and work schedules. However, it is illegal and anyone caught using, possessing or selling it can face serious felony charges.
College is a time of experimentation and this means people may try things they would never expect to try, like drugs or violating the laws. Unfortunately, a conviction on a criminal drug offense can be devastating to a young person’s educational opportunities, extracurricular activities and future career aspirations.
Rather than let one mistake destroy a student’s future, it can be crucial that the student as well as his or her parents explore the legal options available. Defending against these charges in an effort to seek reduction or dismissal can be an essential part of protecting a student as well as his or her educational and professional opportunities.
Source: WTXL TV, “Several FSU Students Arrested in Drug Trafficking Investigation,”Danay Dubrey, Nov. 18, 2015