People all across Florida look forward to the holiday season. It’s a time of year to be with friends and family and there are usually a lot of events going on, so it can be very exciting. However, it can also be quite stressful, particularly if you are unable to participate in or attend all the events and gatherings you’d like to.
This is a situation that people who are required to register as sex offenders often have to cope with. Despite the fact that the holidays are supposed to be joyful, they can be a harsh and unfortunate reminders of past mistakes and people in this situation can find themselves struggling to get through this time of year while also sticking to the conditions set by the courts.
For example, some people are prohibited from being near children. If a family gathering takes place in certain locations or if there are expected to be children attending, an offender may not be able to go to that gathering.
Holidays can also require traveling in or out of Florida. Registered sex offenders are typically required to get approval before they go anywhere. Without this approval, a person could miss out on valuable and fulfilling time with loved ones.
These matters combined with the enormous stress, isolation and depression people feel during the holidays can make it seem impossible to get through this time of year. People might turn to behaviors like drinking, using drugs or browsing the Internet hoping to make a connection. Each of these decisions can impair a person’s thinking and could be a violation of the conditions of a release.
It will be critical to avoid any preventable slip ups that could put your life and your freedom in danger. However, no one is perfect; mistakes can happen. In the event that you find yourself accused of violating the terms of probation or your status as a registered sex offender, you can discuss your situation with an attorney at our firm to learn about your options.