College is an incredibly stressful and exciting experience in a person’s life. These years are a time for intellectual and social growth, and many people see it as a time for self-discovery and experimentation. However, it is also a time for incredible anxiety and stress, thanks to the demands of classes as well as the enormous costs of a college education.
With all these things in mind, it should not come as a surprise to readers that many students attending Florida colleges use drugs. Some use drugs like cocaine and marijuana recreationally; some use drugs like amphetamines and prescription drugs to stay focused. In either case, the penalties for possessing or distributing these drugs can be extremely harsh.
Drug offenses can come with a host of different consequences, from suspension from school and dismissal from extracurricular activities to community service orders and incarceration.
With so much on the line, it is crucial for students and their families to take seriously their right to defend against such allegations.
Crimes involving illicit drugs are quite varied and can be complex, so your defense will depend considerably on the specifics of your situation. In some cases, you may want to consider a plea bargain to receive a lesser sentence in exchange for giving information on a larger drug scheme to authorities. In other cases, challenging the evidence against you could be wise as it may result in the dismissal of evidence that leaves prosecutors without enough to pursue conviction.
Whatever approach you take, it will be crucial that you consider the extent of your charges. They will not just affect your criminal record; they can also jeopardize your academic record, scholarships, extracurricular activities and even your future career. Addressing every one of these areas will be important in building your defense.
The attorneys at our firm have experience specifically helping college and high school students in Florida facing criminal charges, including drug possession and distribution. Please visit our website to learn more about us and our experience in this area of law.