Drunk driving is always a very risky choice, and one that not only places the driver in danger, but also many other drivers and passengers on the road, or even pedestrians near a road. Drunk driving is also not confined strictly to consumer vehicles, but may include large commercial machinery as well.
Recently, a drunk driving accident led to a very serious conviction — a life sentence plus 15 years for the DUI manslaughter of two women who were killed in a drunk driving accident involving a large tractor driven by an intoxicated man. While the family was surely grateful for the ruling, they are still heartbroken from the loss of their loved ones.
If you think that drunk driving is not that risky in the grand scheme of things, think again. While this defendant in this case did not receive a death sentence, he got about the strongest punishment available to the court, and he will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars. The defendant is now 52 years old, so that life sentence may take many decades to play out.
Drunk driving charges should always be taken seriously, even if there are no deaths, injuries or property damage involved. If you receive a DUI charge of any kind, be sure to seek out proper legal counsel as soon as you can. An experienced, professional defense attorney can help you identify strong strategies for defending yourself against DUI charges and protecting your rights and interests.
Source: Naples Daily News, “Trucker gets life in prison on DUI charges from crash that killed two Naples women,” Brent Batten, Oct. 13, 2017